Tuesday, December 14, 2010

A day of imports...

Today was a day of 'imports'. Food came pouring from all quarters today - so to speak. Mum had made chhole (chickpeas in gravy) and mum in law sent a mushroom dish. Lunch was sumptuous to say the least :-)
Chhole, mushroom surprise and rotis for lunch today
I got the recipe from mum in law for the mushroom dish. I am going to call it Mushroom Surprise. I could not make out what the green 'leaves' in the dish were till I got the recipe from her; hence the name!
Mushroom Surprise
8-10 mushrooms washed and cut into pieces
10 Spring onions washed and chopped into small pieces
8-10 cloves of garlic chopped
Salt, turmeric and chilli pd to taste
2 slices of bread powdered
2-3 green chillies slit into thin slivers
In a pan heat a little oil and add the garlic. Fry till they begin to change color. Then add white portion of the spring onions and fry for 2 mins till they have lost the raw smell. Now add the green portion of the spring onions and saute for another 2 mins. Add the turmeric, chilli pd and salt and the mushrooms. Cook without covering the pan on high till the mushrooms have released their water and the water reduces. Now add the bread powder and the green chillies. Cook till everything comes together. Serve with rotis or rice.
Try it out and let me know how it turned out for you guys.
Now before you think that I got a 'free' day today, let me tell you that I DID cook today; albeit just a humble beans fry and my leafy quota for today!
Mum brought some yummy rasam that she had made so my dinner was rice with rasam and beans fry with the leafy stir fry. Nothing like a hot spicy and tangy rasam to take the chill right out of your bones!! I just love rasam. It has always been my favorite over sambar. You know what the best combo with rasam is? - It has to be lady finger fry and of course the appalam (papad, poppadam). Before I get into a dissertation on the merits of rasam here is a pic of my dinner!
Rice with rasam for dinner
 Well, that's all for today folks!! See you all tomorrow.


  1. Will try the mushroom surprise. It def sounds interesting will try and let u know :)

  2. Sounds good. I also want to try it out! It tasted good and I have never had that combo before.
