Friday, May 27, 2011

Bento from Rajasthan!

Had a great day today! Met up with friends for lunch today and no cooking!! Well, I did not want to cook simply because I saw this ad in the paper today about Rajdhani starting a home delivery of meals in boxes. And I simply had to try it out! And I could not wait till tomorrow!! For those who have been faithful to this blog know that weekends are cooking-free days in my household :)

Lunch was at a place call Beyond Coffee ( A great place to hang out with little kids. They have a very laid back atmosphere and have stuff for the kids to do like toys and paper and lots of crayons. And they do not get upset if the kids create a mess which they almost always do!! The place also serves as an art gallery so you are not staring at plain walls and same decor if you are hard pressed for conversation!! And the food is not too bad at all :) Today I had the pizza and one of their cold coffees. The pizza was alright. I will stick to the pasta and sandwiches :) But do remember that this is strictly from a vegetarian's point of view.

Now for the bento box from Rajasthan. First of all this is not for the health nuts out there! All the curries came with their own protective shell of oil!!! I had to painstakingly remove what I could with a spoon! But the food was alright. I have been to their restaurant once and sampled their thali so I was not in for any surprises. I knew how the food would taste like (the oil was a bad surprise!!) But all in all an okay meal. There were 2 curries (gatte ki sabji and aloo matar rasedar), one daal, 5 rotis (really small ones), rice, 2 farsans (one was a dhokla and the other was a slightly sweet, pea filled gujiya), papad, pickle, a dessert (rasogulla) and mouth freshner (which was an unusual combo of sesame seeds, flax seeds, fennel seeds and the usual rock sugar. Made for a very interesting taste).

Unwrapped box meal from Rajdhani

The goodies inside!

Also watched The Jacket yesterday starring Adrien Brody and Keira Knightley. It was a combination of science fiction and supernatural but did not do full justice to either.  This is not for people who look for logic and reasoning in the films they watch. This is for people who are willing to leave their "thinking" brains behind and just get involved in the plot and the characters - in which case the movie proves to be mildly entertaining and intriguing.

That's all folks! Enough said for today :) Catch you all later....

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