Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Leftovers Leftovers

I was just about to start cooking when the spouse called to say he is not coming home for dinner; he had to attend a wedding. So I ditched all plans of cooking! Had yesterday's chole and had made some chickpea paranthas for my son's lunch. So had leftovers from there as well. So just had that for dinner. Tomorrow will cook something new I promise! :)

On another note - I have taken up gardening!!! Well, it is really pot gardening; no not the smoking kind!!! Disadvantages of apartment living, or should I say advantages - not too sure if the garden would survive my "green" thumb!!!
So to start off I have some petunias and hibiscus and aloe vera for one of my balconies and for the kitchen have started off with some methi and coriander. The fenugreek (methi) is doing great! Same cannot be said of the coriander - something has sprouted in that pot but it looks like a mutant species! So it remains to be seen what actually will grow there. But the ambitious plan is to grow basil/tulsi, mint and chillies along with the fenugreek and coriander. Time will tell how much of it actually happens...

Okay then! See you all tomorrow with a new recipe.

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