Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Milestone week!

Last week was a milestone week of sorts. Lots of new things happening...
The biggest one was my son starting school!! Yes, time has flown and my little one has also flown the coop (well, not really!). It was received with mixed but similar reactions on both our ends. His was mostly abandonment and apprehension at facing the new school and routine. Mine was surprisingly abandonment (yes, for some reason I felt this acute sense of separation the day before he started school :( as well) and apprehension as well for him and myself for having to adjust to the new routine.
But I am happy to say we have both survived the first week with some minor scars (which will only make us stronger) and we are trudging along bravely in to the second week.....
As my son says - "Mama, your baby has become a big boy now!"

The other big thing happening at my place is the harvest of my kitchen garden (well actually just one plant!). And my flowering plants are actually flowering!! Yaayy!! They too survived the week!! Here are some pics to prove it!

Periwinkle (dark pink)

Petunia (White)

Hibiscus (Single whorl, Pink)

Petunia (Pink)

Periwinkle (light pink)

Coriander will be ready for picking in another couple of days

Methi (Fenugreek) all ready!

I made some Aloo methi yesterday with the methi from my own garden :)) Feeling mighty proud and accomplished!!

I will do a catch up post (yet again!) on some of the recipes that I tried last week.... soon... But for now it is Sayonara.

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