Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Go(ur)d! What a day!!!

Looked in the refrigerator for inspiration to strike me and was rewarded with a stale looking lauki (long melon, Chinese melon, bottle gourd). I was bored of eating it the usual way of either making them into koftas or a sabji. So looked for some recipes on the internet and came across the stuffed version on Tarla Dalal's website. So today's menu was Bharwan Lauki (Stuffed bottle gourd) as per Tarla Dalal's instructions, Tindora (Indian Ivy Gourd) Fry and the ever present greens.
You must be wondering what is it with me and greens... Well, I need to eat as much greens and sprouts and fresh veggies and proteins as I probably can to save my crowning glory! I am losing them like the there is no tomorrow. My hair loss saga will take up a blog of its own!!
Tindora fry, Bharwan Lauki and Greens

Anyhooo, here is the link to the Bharwan Lauki recipe.
This post is a short one! See y'all tomorrow!

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