Sunday, April 10, 2011

Beat the heat!

I am not talking about taking a trip to someplace cool..Although that would be nice too! I am talking about cooking something that takes so little time that you do not realize that you have been in the kitchen cooking!!
I am talking about the versatile and quick "kalanda sadam" (mixed rice) as they call it in my tongue.
Lemon Rice and Coconut rice.
Usually weekends are reserved for eating out or ordering in. But I try to limit it to only one meal per day. But this weekend it went way overboard! Saturday lunch was a buffet at Indi Joe's at the Banjara Hills City Center mall. It was pretty good with a decent mix of international and Indian food. Then Saturday night again a buffet at the Westin. Talk about being stuffed!! The food at Westin was nothing to rave about - the usual mix of international and Indian (they had some Andhra recipes that were good). The item I loved the most was the Baba Ganoush and hummus that they had. I love Middle Eastern fare (vegetarian obviously!) and it was nice to see it on the menu. Would have loved it if they had falafel as well!!!
Well so since my tummy had been on an roller coaster ride the day before decided to cook something at home today for lunch. Dinner I cheated! Got food from Little Italy. Another of my favorite restaurants here in Hyderabad.

Lemon Rice
Coconut Rice

Lemon Rice
1 cup ground nuts
2 tbsp chana daal
4 dry red chillies broken into pieces
Handful of curry leaves
3 cups rice
Juice of 2 big lemons
1 tsp of turmeric pd
A pinch of mustard and cumin seeds and asafoetida pd
Salt to taste
Heat oil in a pan. Add the mustard seeds. After they have spluttered add the cumin seeds and then add the ground nuts. Fry till they turn brown. Add the chana daal, dry red chillies, curry leaves, asafoetida pd, turmeric pd and salt and fry till they are cooked. Take it off the flame. Then mix the rice and lemon juice.

Coconut Rice
1 cup of grated coconut (I took the easy way out - used dessicated coconut)
3 cups rice
2 tbsps urad daal
5-6 plain appalams (papads) broken into pieces
3 green chillies slit
handful of curry leaves
A pinch of mustard and cumin seeds and asafoetida pd
Salt to taste

Heat oil in a pan. Add the mustard seeds. After they have spluttered add the cumin seeds and then add the appalam pieces and fry till the appalam pieces are almost fried. Add the urad daal, green chillies, curry leaves, asafoetida pd and salt and fry till they are cooked. Take it off the flame. Then mix the rice.

Good night! Sleep tight! and Dream of bed bugs tonight!! (- Lion King, my son is a big fan!) :-)

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