Saturday, April 2, 2011

Cricket Mania

The only cricket I like watching is the nocturnal one with antennae!! Did you know that they are called "true crickets" :-). Not that I ave anything against the game but according to me it is a colossal waste of one's time to actually sit and watch it. If you are playing it then yes. But to just sit and watch it for hrs together... I don't get it. For me that time is better spent on a book or a movie!
And that is what I did. I went to the theater and watched the "game" (ironic isn't it?!). The new flick with Abhishek Bacchan. I feel sorry for that guy. It is like he is never going to get to see a hit in this decade! He has got a great personality and acts well too but something just never clicks for him. Anyway, the movie was good. I say good because it was a little out of the ordinary with minimal songs. But it had the potential of becoming an Agatha Christie or an Alfred Hitchcock whodunit but I felt that it was a little bit of a let down in the end.

Ordered out today. As we do most weekends. Tried out this new place called The Hub. It is a small take a way joint close to where we live. Food was decent. Nothing special. But will do as another option in my take away catalog (I maintain a folder with all the menus from the places that we can order out from!!)

Vegetable kofta and Paneer makhani

Ok then see you all tomorrow. Hope India wins! And if it doesn't I am not going to lose any sleep over it!!

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