Monday, April 4, 2011

Happy Ugadi!

The kitchen was closed today! Well, save for my son's meals. My father took us out for Ugadi lunch at the ITC Kakatiya. They had a delectable spread. I have some pictures of the yummy food we had there.

Ginger water and special Ugadi drink

Fried vadaams, appalams and dry masala chillies

Starter plate of snacks

The main spread!
Needless to say I was stuffed! I enjoyed the ginger water or more authentically called "panagam".  I must have had some 4 glasses which is why I think I could digest so much food!! For those of you who did not know -  ginger aids in digestion :-)

Did not cook anything for dinner. If you remember I told you the kitchen was closed for today!!
My mother in law had sent some tamarind rice and baby potato fry. So that is what I had for dinner.

Tamarind rice and baby potato fry

So now I think it is time to let me and my stomach rest. We have had quite the adventure today - culinary that is!!

See you all tomorrow.

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